Monday, 12 November 2012

Press release

Special cockroaches found in cave.

So you think you know all the types of cockroaches? If you have not been in the caves of the Simandoa Range you do not know all of them. The Blattodean was only discovered by Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Scientists in 2002. These interesting insects are only found in the cave of Guinea and nowhere else.
Generally these unloved creepy-crawly feed on guano of giant fruit bat that inhabits the cave, the good thing about these insects they help recycle. Re-releasing the digested nutrients in trapped in them back to the earth. They were named after Conservation International (CI) because it demonstrates important but generally under-appreciated ecosystem services provided by many non-charismatic organisms, services that make of other organisms that life of other organisms, including humans possible. This beautifully golden and black with brown legs insert is even good look beside the generally

perception of hating cockroaches.

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